▪︎몰라야 믿고, 알게되면 못 믿는다.

성(聖賢)현님들의 가르침 말고, 종교는 구라고 사기다.

▪︎진리(Truth), '마음의 평화'를 얻는 것 .. '자유함'이고, '복'이다.

4, 신앙과 신학, 그리고 과정신학( Process theology

7. 참조자료

Narin Pusil 2021. 3. 23. 17:55


1.    Plantinga, Alvin (2000-1-27). Warranted Christian Belief. USA: Oxford University Press. 

2.    Boa, Kenneth (2006-3-1). Faith Has Its Reasons: Integrative Approaches to Defending the Christian Faith. USA: IVP Books. 

3.    "Definition of faith in English". Oxford Living Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. Retrieved March 1, 2019. 

4.    Also see "fiction" Compare: "Dictionary.com". www.dictionary.com. Dictionary.com, LLC. 2018. Retrieved 2018-05-01. faith [...] noun [...] 3. belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion [...]

5.    "Meaning of faith in English". Cambridge Dictionary. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved March 1, 2019. Also see "fiction" Compare: "Dictionary.com". www.dictionary.com. Dictionary.com, LLC. 2018. Retrieved 2018-05-01. faith [...] noun [...] 3. belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion [...]

6.    Russell, Bertrand. "Will Religious Faith Cure Our Troubles?". Human Society in Ethics and Politics. Ch 7. Pt 2. Retrieved 16 August 2009.

7.    Price, Thomas. "Faith is about 'just trusting' God isn't It?". Retrieved 23 January 2014.

8.    Lennox, John (2011). Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists Are Missing the Target. United kingdom: Lion. p. 55. ISBN 0-7459-5322-0.

9.    "Peter S. Williams". peterswilliams.com. Retrieved 14 October 2015.

10. Williams, Peter S (2013). A Faithful Guide to Philosophy: A Christian Introduction to the Love of Wisdom. Authentic Media. pp. Chapter 1.4. ISBN 1-84227-811

11. Allen, Michael (2009). The Christ's Faith: A Dogmatic Account. London: T&T Clark Studies in Systematic Theology. p. 80. ISBN 978-0-567-03399-4.

12. Boa, Kenneth; Robert M.Bowman (March 1, 2006). Faith Has Its Reasons: Integrative Approaches to Defending the Christian Faith. USA: IVP Books. p. 253. ISBN 978-0-8308-5648-0.

13. Lennox, John (2009). God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?. Lion UK.

14. Dawkins, Richard (2006). The God Delusion. Bantam Books.

15. Dawkins, Richard (January–February 1997). "Is Science a Religion?". American Humanist Association. Archived from the original on 30 October 2012. Retrieved 15 March 2008.

16. Peter Boghossian (2013). A Manual for Creating Atheists. Pitchstone Publishing.  31. ISBN 978-1-939578-09-9.

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18.  "SUMMA THEOLOGIAE: Faith (Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 1)". www.newadvent.org.

19. Robertson, Archibald Thomas. WORD PICTURES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. pp. Chapter 17.

20. "(PDF) Jeremy Myers, The Gospel Under Siege: 3 Views on the Relationship Between Faith and Good Works"

21. Wuerl, By Donald W. (2004). The Teaching of Christ: A Catholic Catechism for Adults, Edition: 5, revised. Huntingdon, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Pub. Division. p. 238. ISBN 1-59276-094-5. Retrieved 21 April 2009.

22. Migliore, Daniel L. 2004. Faith seeking understanding: an introduction to Christian theology. Grand Rapids, Mich: W.B. Eerdmans. pp. 3-8.

23. Inbody, Tyron. 2005. The faith of the Christian church: an introduction to theology. Grand Rapids, Mich: William B. Eerdmans Pub. pp. 1-10

24. Dulles SJ, Avery Cardinal (2003). The Splendor of Faith: The Theological Vision of Pope John Paul II. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company. pp. vii–viii. ISBN 0-8245-2121-8.

25. McGrath, Alister E. (2008). The Order of Things: Explorations in Scientific Theology. John Wiley & Sons. p. 33. ISBN 1-4051-2556-X. 신앙에 대한 그리스도인의 이해

26. 알리스터 맥그래스기독교 신학이란 무엇인가(복있는사람, 2014, 원제 : Christian Theology: An Introduction 5th) 서문 중에서

27. 윤철호,기독교 신학 개론(대한기독교서회, 2015, 서울)15-17

28. W. Pannenberg, Systematische Theologie, Band 1, 1988,   

       판넨베르크/정용섭 옮김 출처대구성서아카데미

29. Desidero ergo sum(라캉) : on the metaphysics of desire in Felisberto Hernández's "Las Hortensias" Mann, Niall B. 2011

30. 유재인상황속의 신앙과 신학(과정신학강의안

31. Viney, Donald W. Process TheismStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University.  

32. Ewert H. Cousin(ed), Process Theology(New York: Newman Press,1971),3-5

33. David F. Ford, The Modern Theologians, Vol 2(Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1989) 103

34. Nicholas Rescher, Process Metaphysics: An Introduction to Process Philosophy, SUNY Press, 1996, p. 60.

35. Emmet, Dorothy Mary, 1932, Whitehead's Philosophy of Organism, London: Macmillan; 2nd edn, 1966.

36. Anne Fagot-Largeau,  at the Collège of France, first part of a series of courses on the "Ontology of Becoming"

37. http://www.sisajournal.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=89358

38. http://theology.co.kr/article/basic-concept.html

39. 플라톤과 아리스토텔레스 시대 이래로 일부 철학자들은 영원한 물질을 기반으로 진정한 현실을 "영원한"것으로 제시해 왔으며과정은 시대를 초월한 물질에 종속되거나 종속되지 않습니다소크라테스가 변하고 병이 나더라도 소크라테스는 여전히 동일하며 (소크라테스의 물질은 동일 변함 (그의 ) 그의 물질에 대해서만 미끄러집니다변화는 우연한 반면물질은 필수적입니다따라서 고전적인 온톨로지는 변화에 대한 모든 현실을 부인하며우발적이며 필수적인 것은 아닙니다 고전적인 온톨로지는 지식과 지식의 이론을 가능하게하는데이는 무언가에 대한 과학이 달성하기가 불가능한 업적이라고 생각했기 때문이다.

40. Thomas Henry Huxley, Evolution and Ethics and Other Essey(Angus & Robertson

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41. Marx and Whitehead: Process, Dialectics, and the Critique of Capitalism

42. Ilya Prigogine, From being to becoming, W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1980.

43. Cf. Michel Weber (ed.), After Whitehead: Rescher on Process Metaphysics, Frankfurt / Paris / Lancaster, Ontos Verlag, 2004.

44. William Blattner, "Some Thoughts About "Continental" and "Analytic" Philosophy"

45. Seibt, Johanna. "Process Philosophy". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

46. John Cobb, Christ in a Pluralistic Age(Philadelphia: The Westmister Press,1975). (CPA, p187)

47. Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson, 20-Century Theology, 신재구 20세기 신학』, 207

48. 필립 클레이튼신학이 변해야 교회가 산다,(신앙과지성사,2012,서울)

49. Doug Pagitt,the Emerging church and Embodied Theology(Grand Rapids,Mich:Zondervan,2007)121-133