▪︎몰라야 믿고, 알게되면 못 믿는다.

성(聖賢)현님들의 가르침 말고, 종교는 구라고 사기다.

▪︎진리(Truth), '마음의 평화'를 얻는 것 .. '자유함'이고, '복'이다.

나린푸실 이야기/신학 이야기

Angus, Samuel(SAMUEL ANGUS)사무엘 앵구스

Narin Pusil 2019. 12. 12. 20:56

 사무엘 훅 앵거스(Samuel Hooke Angus, 1881~1937)는 실제로 호주의 영향력 있는 신학자였습니다. 그는 호주에서 태어나 시드니 대학교에서 공부했으며 나중에 그곳에서 강사가 되었고 결국 신약 그리스어와 주석학 교수가 되었습니다. 앵거스는 호주의 신학 교육에 깊이 관여했습니다. 그는 1914년부터 1937년 사망할 때까지 시드니에 있는 회중신학대학인 세인트 앤드류 대학의 교장을 역임했습니다. 그는 학문적 성과와 교육에 대한 헌신으로 높은 존경을 받았습니다.앵거스는 보수적인 신학관, 특히 성경에 대한 전통적인 해석을 고수하는 것으로 유명했습니다.  그의 주목할만한 작품 중 하나는 1925년에 출판된 "신비 종교와 기독교"로, 초기 기독교와 고대 세계의 신비 종교 사이의 관계를 탐구합니다. 이 저서에서 앵거스는 기독교가 다른 종교 운동과 구별되고 우월하다고 주장했습니다.전반적으로 사무엘 앵거스는 20세기 초 호주의 신학 교육과 학문에 지대한 공헌을 하여 호주 신학 분야에 지속적인 영향을 미쳤습니다.   



사무엘 앵거스(Samuel Angus)는 특히 자유주의 신학 경향에 대한 비판에서 좀 더 보수적인 신학적 관점과 관련되는 경우가 많지만, 그의 신학적 견해에는 학자들에 의해 다르게 해석될 수 있는 미묘한 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.당시의 맥락에서 볼 때 앵거스는 그 시대의 보다 자유주의적인 신학자들에 비해 보수적인 것으로 간주되었을 수 있습니다. 그러나 그의 견해가 다양한 관점을 포괄했을 가능성도 있으며, 그의 작업 중 일부는 특정 문제에 대한 자유주의 신학 사상과 교차했을 수도 있습니다.앵거스의 신학적 입장을 보다 포괄적으로 이해하려면, 그의 저술을 깊이 파고들어 그가 경력 전반에 걸쳐 표현한 구체적인 주장과 입장을 검토하는 것이 유익할 것입니다. 이는 그의 신학적 지향과 그것이 그의 시대의 더 넓은 신학 운동과 어떻게 관련되는지에 대한 더 명확한 그림을 제공할 수 있습니다.





amuel Angus (1881-1943), theologian, was born on 27 August 1881 at Craigs near Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland, eldest son of John Cowan Angus, farmer, and his wife Sarah, née Harper. He attended Craigs National School and was privately coached in Latin by his great-uncle William Cowan. He went on to the Collegiate School, Ballymena, then won a scholarship to Queen's (University) College, Galway, affiliated to the Royal University of Ireland (B.A., 1902; M.A., 1903).

Angus decided to study for the ministry of the Presbyterian Church and enrolled for the divinity degree at Princeton Theological Seminary, United States of America, and also at Princeton University (M.A., 1905; Ph.D., 1906). His local minister, Dr G. R. Buick, wrote to his friend Woodrow Wilson, then president of the university, commending his protégé. Angus found Wilson aloof, but recognized a great classicist in A. F. West, head of the postgraduate classical school. He worked on North African Latin Christianity and Greek inscriptions and philosophy. Although he also completed the seminary's course, including honours Hebrew, he refused to devote himself full time to theological studies and forfeited the seminary's degree and a scholarship of $100 a year.

Angus tutored privately in classics at Princeton and lectured at Chautauqua, New York, then worked on Hellenistic Greek and New Testament criticism at Hartford Theological Seminary, Connecticut, and spent a semester at Marburg, Germany. In 1907 he married a widow Katherine Duryea, daughter of J. E. Walker of New York. It was a most happy marriage although she was for many years an invalid. From 1910 Angus regarded Edinburgh as his headquarters where he found academic community with many distinguished scholars, but from October to January 1912 he attended the theological faculty at the Humboldt University of Berlin. He then delivered the Gay lectures at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Kentucky. Later in 1912 the United Free Church of Scotland licensed him as a probationer for the ministry and he was appointed chaplain of the Scotch Church in Algiers. He visited classical sites in North Africa and Greece and vividly depicted his experiences there in his short volume of memoirs, Alms for Oblivion (Sydney, 1943).

In May 1914 the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales elected Angus by 105 votes to 55 to its chair in New Testament exegesis and theology within the faculty of theology, St Andrew's College, University of Sydney. He was ordained by the Presbytery of Sydney and inducted as professor in March 1915. He settled into a house at Turramurra.

Angus carried on research into the Graeco-Roman mystery-religions and their influence on the development of early Christianity. The result was two notable books, The Mystery-Religions and Christianity (London, 1925) and The Religious Quests of the Graeco-Roman World (London, 1929). He had already in 1914 published The Environment of Early Christianity. He accepted many visiting academic appointments in the United States and received honorary degrees from the Queen's University of Belfast (D.Litt., 1923), the University of Glasgow (D.D., 1924) and the Assembly's College, Belfast (D.D., 1929). He continued to publish scholarly books and articles. At the University of Sydney he was a councillor of St Andrew's College from 1926, curator of the Nicholson Museum of Antiquities and was prominent in the foundation of the board of studies in divinity in 1936.

Angus found his faculty academically and theologically conservative; it had attracted only one truly professional theological teacher, Andrew Harper. By its standards Angus's theology was radical. He had increasingly reacted against conservative lecturers at Princeton seminary and was deeply impressed by the European 'higher criticism' of his formative years. Following Harnack, he contrasted 'the religion of Jesus' with 'the religion about Jesus', to the latter's detriment; through critical study of the New Testament documents, he believed that the original message and figure of the historical Galilean could be discerned. The historicity of the virgin birth, the physical resurrection of Jesus and the ascension were questioned, as were current interpretations of the atonement. When he made a belated acquaintance with Karl Barth and H. E. Brunner, he scorned them as reactionaries. He was attracted by the Neo-Platonists, especially by Plotinus, and by F. D. E. Schleiermacher's notion of divine immanence, and was convinced of the need for personal religious experience. Angus became the friend and colleague of other liberal Protestant theologians in the 'Heretics' private discussion club which he helped to found in 1916. He co-operated with them formally in the united faculty based at St Andrew's College. As a teacher he influenced and inspired many young men of the post-war generation, but his teaching aroused much opposition and public criticism in his own and other churches.

Angus's orthodoxy was questioned first in the Presbytery of Sydney and later in the 1932 General Assembly of the Church. His colleagues at the Theological Hall mostly rallied to his support. The affair became a cause célèbre for the next decade, involving much time in church courts, presbytery, the New South Wales and Australian general assemblies, and the latter's judicial commission. Many pamphlets were written, and attempts made at compromise and reconciliation. Significantly, and partly because of Angus's personal charm and undoubted religious devotion, no formal legal charge of heresy was ever laid. War, especially after 1941, diverted the Church's attention. Angus's wife had died in 1934 and he suffered facial paralysis that impaired his speech. The case concluded in 1942 when the Church's procurator, Bryan Fuller, Q.C., successfully moved in the Australian assembly, that 'all communications dealing in any way whatever with the case of Dr Angus be discharged from the business paper, without prejudice to the rights of any of the parties; and that any of the parties concerned may obtain the restoration of any of the matters to the business paper by motion passed pursuant to notice'. Through all this Angus continued to teach, and at the 1943 New South Wales assembly read a paper on the Christian ministry. He died of cancer in the Scottish Hospital, Paddington, on 17 November, and was cremated; he had no children. His estate was valued for probate at £31,694.

His portrait by Jerrold Nathan is in St Andrew's College, where a memorial lecture hall is named after him.





Angus, Samuel (1881–1943)

Life Summary 

Birth :  27 August 1881 Ballymena, Antrim, Ireland 

Death : 17 November 1943 Paddington, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 

Cultural Heritage : Irish 

Religious Influence : Presbyterian 

Occupation : Academic religious writer, Presbyterian minister, Presbyterian theologian



Angus, Samuel   by Alan Dougan

This article was published in Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 7, (MUP), 1979

Samuel Angus (1881-1943), theologian, was born on 27 August 1881 at Craigs near Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland, eldest son of John Cowan Angus, farmer, and his wife Sarah, née Harper. He attended Craigs National School and was privately coached in Latin by his great-uncle William Cowan. He went on to the Collegiate School, Ballymena, then won a scholarship to Queen's (University) College, Galway, affiliated to the Royal University of Ireland (B.A., 1902; M.A., 1903).

Angus decided to study for the ministry of the Presbyterian Church and enrolled for the divinity degree at Princeton Theological Seminary, United States of America, and also at Princeton University (M.A., 1905; Ph.D., 1906). His local minister, Dr G. R. Buick, wrote to his friend Woodrow Wilson, then president of the university, commending his protégé. Angus found Wilson aloof, but recognized a great classicist in A. F. West, head of the postgraduate classical school. He worked on North African Latin Christianity and Greek inscriptions and philosophy. Although he also completed the seminary's course, including honours Hebrew, he refused to devote himself full time to theological studies and forfeited the seminary's degree and a scholarship of $100 a year.

Angus tutored privately in classics at Princeton and lectured at Chautauqua, New York, then worked on Hellenistic Greek and New Testament criticism at Hartford Theological Seminary, Connecticut, and spent a semester at Marburg, Germany. In 1907 he married a widow Katherine Duryea, daughter of J. E. Walker of New York. It was a most happy marriage although she was for many years an invalid. From 1910 Angus regarded Edinburgh as his headquarters where he found academic community with many distinguished scholars, but from October to January 1912 he attended the theological faculty at the Humboldt University of Berlin. He then delivered the Gay lectures at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Kentucky. Later in 1912 the United Free Church of Scotland licensed him as a probationer for the ministry and he was appointed chaplain of the Scotch Church in Algiers. He visited classical sites in North Africa and Greece and vividly depicted his experiences there in his short volume of memoirs, Alms for Oblivion (Sydney, 1943).

In May 1914 the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales elected Angus by 105 votes to 55 to its chair in New Testament exegesis and theology within the faculty of theology, St Andrew's College, University of Sydney. He was ordained by the Presbytery of Sydney and inducted as professor in March 1915. He settled into a house at Turramurra.

Angus carried on research into the Graeco-Roman mystery-religions and their influence on the development of early Christianity. The result was two notable books, The Mystery-Religions and Christianity (London, 1925) and The Religious Quests of the Graeco-Roman World (London, 1929). He had already in 1914 published The Environment of Early Christianity. He accepted many visiting academic appointments in the United States and received honorary degrees from the Queen's University of Belfast (D.Litt., 1923), the University of Glasgow (D.D., 1924) and the Assembly's College, Belfast (D.D., 1929). He continued to publish scholarly books and articles. At the University of Sydney he was a councillor of St Andrew's College from 1926, curator of the Nicholson Museum of Antiquities and was prominent in the foundation of the board of studies in divinity in 1936.

Angus found his faculty academically and theologically conservative; it had attracted only one truly professional theological teacher, Andrew Harper. By its standards Angus's theology was radical. He had increasingly reacted against conservative lecturers at Princeton seminary and was deeply impressed by the European 'higher criticism' of his formative years. Following Harnack, he contrasted 'the religion of Jesus' with 'the religion about Jesus', to the latter's detriment; through critical study of the New Testament documents, he believed that the original message and figure of the historical Galilean could be discerned. The historicity of the virgin birth, the physical resurrection of Jesus and the ascension were questioned, as were current interpretations of the atonement. When he made a belated acquaintance with Karl Barth and H. E. Brunner, he scorned them as reactionaries. He was attracted by the Neo-Platonists, especially by Plotinus, and by F. D. E. Schleiermacher's notion of divine immanence, and was convinced of the need for personal religious experience. Angus became the friend and colleague of other liberal Protestant theologians in the 'Heretics' private discussion club which he helped to found in 1916. He co-operated with them formally in the united faculty based at St Andrew's College. As a teacher he influenced and inspired many young men of the post-war generation, but his teaching aroused much opposition and public criticism in his own and other churches.

Angus's orthodoxy was questioned first in the Presbytery of Sydney and later in the 1932 General Assembly of the Church. His colleagues at the Theological Hall mostly rallied to his support. The affair became a cause célèbre for the next decade, involving much time in church courts, presbytery, the New South Wales and Australian general assemblies, and the latter's judicial commission. Many pamphlets were written, and attempts made at compromise and reconciliation. Significantly, and partly because of Angus's personal charm and undoubted religious devotion, no formal legal charge of heresy was ever laid. War, especially after 1941, diverted the Church's attention. Angus's wife had died in 1934 and he suffered facial paralysis that impaired his speech. The case concluded in 1942 when the Church's procurator, Bryan Fuller, Q.C., successfully moved in the Australian assembly, that 'all communications dealing in any way whatever with the case of Dr Angus be discharged from the business paper, without prejudice to the rights of any of the parties; and that any of the parties concerned may obtain the restoration of any of the matters to the business paper by motion passed pursuant to notice'. Through all this Angus continued to teach, and at the 1943 New South Wales assembly read a paper on the Christian ministry. He died of cancer in the Scottish Hospital, Paddington, on 17 November, and was cremated; he had no children. His estate was valued for probate at £31,694.

His portrait by Jerrold Nathan is in St Andrew's College, where a memorial lecture hall is named after him.
